so it's late at night and i'm getting ready for my trip to hawaii. whoop whoop. my ride arrives at 6am since we leave around 9am and i haven't even packed anything. got a load of laundry i'm doing right now...did most of it earlier in the week...but as lazy to fold everything. of course, everything got wrinkled again and i had to throw it back in the dryer. sheesh...nothing's changed...still procrastinating when it comes to packing and still not folding clothes when they are done washing. haha

so i have no real concrete plans for this trip except for the wedding on sunday and i promised elise that i would save tuesday for her. so other then's pretty much an open schedule for me. i don't really mind cause i want to try to relax a little on this trip. this will probably by my last trip till the international at long beach. one...i have no more vacation time...two...i am now broke haha.

i won't have much internet access while i'm gone so don't really expect anything for another week or so. although texting is always open and u can always hit me up on yahoo messenger if i'm logged on with my phone. i might post up a blog through my phone if i get bored enough. let's see. so hit me up when you're bored and we will chat...otherwise....i'll see u all next week.

laterz....aloha :p

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