well...got up this morning and it had snowed a few inches. Normally I don't mind the snow but when it comes to work...I hate it. The policy at my work is that if i'm late or can't make it to work...then I have to use my vacation to cover that time i'm gone. lame! So every time it snows then all my vacation plans become jeopardized. The good news is I was able to make it on time. :p

even better news...my old starbucks still has a bottle of almond left..so I can still order my drink for a little while longer.

Once again I forgot to change my shoes when I left work. So now i'm at the bank wearing shoes that have tons of paint on them. Hmmm this seems to always happen when I have a lot of errands to run. I still have to go to the dry cleaners and the pharmacy.

I look like a dork.

Terrible news today...I just found out that Starbucks is discontinuing almond syrup!!! Now how am I supposed to order my drink!

I am outraged...this was one of their original flavors from the beggining . Especially since I just got my custom card with my drink on it. How can they just cancel it like that.

What am I supposed to drink know???
1/2 Hello everyone. I know it's been a while since i've done anything with this page. I will try to update more often. This is actually a
2/2 test to see if I can update using my phone.

So let's see if this works.