this is a tennis ball i have outside my paint booth at work. i drew little emotions on it and i change it depending on my mood. well a couple of weeks ago i noticed that it was missing. what the heck! why would someone go and steal my emotions like that. i'm upset...but without my tennis can i even show it. grrrr.

i love nike sb dunks (preferably lows). these new ones came out last month only in brazil :( i like how that they all have some sort of music theme to them. if anyone ever got me a pair of any of these...i would be in debt to them forever.

(i'm a size 12...and there are only something like 400 pairs so u better get crackin) cost me over 50 to fill up my tank the other day. This is starting to get crazy. With all the driving I do back and forth to marysville for meetings and service it's really hurting my pocket. The sad part is since I have turbo in my car I have to use Supreme so I costs even more. Good thing i've been fixing up my mpg went from about 12 to 20...what a difference!

update...gas is over 4 dollars now :-(

"hey a few bucks i can borrow?"
"could you loan me some money till payday?" any of these phrases sound familar to anyone??? we've probably heard them at one time or another but for seems to be on a daily basis. since i tend to deal with things on a cash basis only (paid off all my more credit cards!) people take advantage of the fact that i usually have money on me (or at least extra money in the bank).

the reality is...i'm the sucker since i'm the one that's always loaning money out. it's not that bad anymore...i used to loan out money all the time back in the day. not your normal 5 or 20 dollars, i'm talking about a few hundred at a time. i would loan out money even if i couldn't really afford to, then when they couldn't pay on time (or not at all sometimes) it would put me in a bind. the bottom line is, if you can't afford to lose the money...then don't loan it out.

so now i only loan out bigger amounts to close friends. of course, with my bad memory i forget that i even loan out money. every once in a while one of my friends will come up to me and give me a hundred dollars and say "oh i owe you some money" and it will be a complete surprise to me haha. it's nice to have honest friends.

the thing that puzzles me all the time are the people who always borrow money from me every week, which are usually co-workers (except for "gravy" who always used to borrow money cause he was just to lazy to go to an ATM). typically a few days after payday someone will come up to me and ask to borrow 5 dollars. they usually say "oh...i forgot to go to the bank. i'll pay you tomorrow". so tomorrow comes and they don't have the money and they usually then ask "is it ok if i pay you back on payday". normally that's not a big deal to me...but then i see them for the rest of the week...buying lunch or coming in with starbucks. what the heck! where my money at??? i don't understand why you're able to get all these things through the week and yet still need to borrow 5 dollars from me every two weeks or so. you could either not buy a coffee one day and pay me back. even better, work 15 minutes of overtime during a pay period so you make an extra 10 dollars. then you could pay me 5 and then you would have 5 extra and you would never have to borrow money from me again.
I sitting in my car waiting for my breakfast when I saw something fall from the sky. It was coming down pretty fast like a shooting star. In fact, I actually thought it was a comet at first. It was like a fireball but it had like a green tint around it. I saw it come down but there was explosion or fire or least from where I was.

It was something out of a movie. I'm not sure what it was...I was looking to see if anyone else saw it but i'm not sure.

hmmm...wonder what it was.

(UPDATE: turns out that it was a meteor. it was visible to people in Washington, Oregan and even Idaho. here is a video of the meteor)

yay...unique is back to work (although she really should be taking more time off)

finally I will have someone to talk to at work. I'm tired to listening to all these old people whining and complaining.

Guess that's the only good thing happening at work lately.

(this is an old pic) up this morning and it had snowed a few inches. Normally I don't mind the snow but when it comes to work...I hate it. The policy at my work is that if i'm late or can't make it to work...then I have to use my vacation to cover that time i'm gone. lame! So every time it snows then all my vacation plans become jeopardized. The good news is I was able to make it on time. :p

even better old starbucks still has a bottle of almond I can still order my drink for a little while longer.

Once again I forgot to change my shoes when I left work. So now i'm at the bank wearing shoes that have tons of paint on them. Hmmm this seems to always happen when I have a lot of errands to run. I still have to go to the dry cleaners and the pharmacy.

I look like a dork.

Terrible news today...I just found out that Starbucks is discontinuing almond syrup!!! Now how am I supposed to order my drink!

I am outraged...this was one of their original flavors from the beggining . Especially since I just got my custom card with my drink on it. How can they just cancel it like that.

What am I supposed to drink know???
1/2 Hello everyone. I know it's been a while since i've done anything with this page. I will try to update more often. This is actually a
2/2 test to see if I can update using my phone.

So let's see if this works.