ack...i've been neglecting this blog. just when i said i would concentrate on this one. anyways...i've pretty much decided to focus on my tumblr blog for now. there are a couple of reasons. one...i like to post up different music and you can't really do that here. second reason is that everyone that reads my blogs are pretty much on tumblr (yeah...i'm not really that popular). so the meantime, just check my tumblr blog for more updates. i will update this one once in a while.

so right now i've been trying to learn more tagalog. it's sad really...i have no skill in speaking it (probably around 1%) and not to well at understanding it (i would say about 30% when it's casual conversation...higher percentage when it's taglish haha) so little by little i'm trying to get people to speak to me in tagalog...which usually doesn't last more then a couple of sentences cause i get lost in what's being said. i've also been trying to listen to tagalog songs when i'm at work...i'm hoping that somehow this will seep into my brain and one day i will wake up understanding more. :p one song that i really like right now is Paano Na Kaya by Bugoy.

(of course i had to link to the one that had the english translation hahaha)
so hopefully i will get better at tagalog within this year. the sad part is that i'm trying to learn a little bit of ilocano also...arrghh...i don't even have one language down and i'm trying to tackle two!!!

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