ack...i've been neglecting this blog. just when i said i would concentrate on this one. anyways...i've pretty much decided to focus on my tumblr blog for now. there are a couple of reasons. one...i like to post up different music and you can't really do that here. second reason is that everyone that reads my blogs are pretty much on tumblr (yeah...i'm not really that popular). so the meantime, just check my tumblr blog for more updates. i will update this one once in a while.

so right now i've been trying to learn more tagalog. it's sad really...i have no skill in speaking it (probably around 1%) and not to well at understanding it (i would say about 30% when it's casual conversation...higher percentage when it's taglish haha) so little by little i'm trying to get people to speak to me in tagalog...which usually doesn't last more then a couple of sentences cause i get lost in what's being said. i've also been trying to listen to tagalog songs when i'm at work...i'm hoping that somehow this will seep into my brain and one day i will wake up understanding more. :p one song that i really like right now is Paano Na Kaya by Bugoy.

(of course i had to link to the one that had the english translation hahaha)
so hopefully i will get better at tagalog within this year. the sad part is that i'm trying to learn a little bit of ilocano also...arrghh...i don't even have one language down and i'm trying to tackle two!!!
i found a notebook in my closet the other day. i originally grabbed it so i could work on my talk...but at work i was flippng through it and i found some lyrics that i had wrote for a couple of songs. i'm not to sure how old they are...maybe a year or two at the most. i totally forgot about them. not really complete so they are somewhat pretty rough...but i got the main ideas down.

i'm just gonna post up one for now...maybe i'll post up the others later. hopefully i could find some of my other stuff...i used to write a lot back in the day. poems n stories when i was younger and then songs (mainly hip-hop rap stuff) post teen years. now that i'm older...i guess i got more sappy haha.

here is the song the first song...titled:

"Young Lovin"

young lovin
miss those carefree days
no worries in our lives
only you on my mind
young lovin
those were the days
young lovin

we spend hours talkin
from the late night till the early morn
wake up after falling asleep
with my ear still on the phone
back then i used to hit up your pager with codes
143 meant i love you
823 i was thinking of you
411 where are you
911 call me quick it's an emergency
7312 my code so you knew it was me


it seemed like we never ran out of stuff to say
before e-mail, messenger or myspace
summertime at the fair holding hands
eating cotton candy hitting up all the rides
shooting water in a clowns mouth throwing darts
spending my last dollar to try to win you a prize
sneak out of the house saying i'm at the library
meet you in the mall then we would see a movie

(chorus x2)


so this is pretty rough....course the lyrics will change some depending on the track. i seem to write better when i have some music...but then i always end up changing the words depending on what i 'm listening to haha.

so there you have it. not that great...but then again...i never said i was :p
well...i'm back from my trip to hawaii. this was my first time to oahu. i really enjoyed it. i think that this is more my type of island. a good mix of both country and city. scenery to enjoy and beaches to relax...but still urban enough to hang out and chill out if needed. :) with the wedding n everything...i didn't get to much time to check out everything. i even extended my stay an extra day. next time i would like to stay a whole week to take my time and check things out a little bit more.

maui of course was relaxing. i have a new addiction now....maui built gear!!! i'm loving their shirts. i bought 3 while i was over there. i would have gotten more but i pretty much spent all my money by then...booo! hopefully i can get more another pair of shorts :p

so i've just gotten back but i'm already planning out my trips for the rest of the year. internationl convention in june at long beach. no vacations till then cause i have to save all my days off. i will take an extra day to hang out if people are willing to do something (the monday after the assembly)

i'm thinking about going to PI this december for about 3 weeks. kinda a last minute decision. if i end up doing this...i gotta start saving up now.

then of course back to maui in feb. with a trip to oahu also :)
so it's late at night and i'm getting ready for my trip to hawaii. whoop whoop. my ride arrives at 6am since we leave around 9am and i haven't even packed anything. got a load of laundry i'm doing right now...did most of it earlier in the week...but as lazy to fold everything. of course, everything got wrinkled again and i had to throw it back in the dryer. sheesh...nothing's changed...still procrastinating when it comes to packing and still not folding clothes when they are done washing. haha

so i have no real concrete plans for this trip except for the wedding on sunday and i promised elise that i would save tuesday for her. so other then's pretty much an open schedule for me. i don't really mind cause i want to try to relax a little on this trip. this will probably by my last trip till the international at long beach. one...i have no more vacation time...two...i am now broke haha.

i won't have much internet access while i'm gone so don't really expect anything for another week or so. although texting is always open and u can always hit me up on yahoo messenger if i'm logged on with my phone. i might post up a blog through my phone if i get bored enough. let's see. so hit me up when you're bored and we will chat...otherwise....i'll see u all next week.

laterz....aloha :p

so my new shoes came in. i've been looking for a good brown shoe and i was able to find a good style...and then nike sb's at that! whoop whoop. the only problem is that the left shoe feels a little tighter then the right shoe. almost as if the right shoe was on display and that's the one that everyone tried on. hmmm...i'm not trying to think about that. i'm gonna have to find out a way to stretch the other shoe though...cause it feels funny when i walk haha. there are a few other shoes that i'm still on the lookout for...the problem is that when i buy...i tend to buy a lot. so i'm thinking of limiting myself to 1 pair a month or 2 months if possible.

now that we have been assigned to international assembly...i have to save up money. the sad thing is that i've already been calculating all my paychecks till this summer so i can budget for all the things that i need to pay n for the things that i want to get. *sigh* it never seems to end. right now i'm just trying to budget for my hawaii trip. in the future i will try not to plan trips so close together. paying off all my expenses for the october trip to maui has left me really tight in the pocket. course...the planning wasn't really my fault since i'm the victim of wedding dates that people have set. so this time...gonna try to cut corners where i can...not condo rental...just sleeping on couches haha :) i don't mind my last apartment i had 2 beds in my room and i always slept on my couch in the living room for over 2 years. was so comfortable. i gave that couch to gilbert and now he uses it as his bed haha...i miss that couch.

ok...guess that's it for now.